The boy child is at nursery, the baby is asleep so I decided to get on with some baking in aid of a charity coffee morning that I run on Thursdays.
This weeks offerings have come from my kitchen bible- Nigella Lawsons 'How to be a Domestic Goddess' (love that book!) I had loads of ripe bananas hanging around so rather than waste them I've made her banana loaf (minus the rum as I didn't have any) and some chocolate brownies (which should have a disclaimer that you might as well rub them straight onto your thighs seeing as that's where they're heading anyway with all that butter, sugar, eggs and chocolate!!)
Banana bread
100g sultanas
175g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
1/2tsp bicarb of soda
1/2tsp salt
125g unsalted melted butter
150g sugar
2 large eggs
4 small very ripe bananas mashed
1tsp vanilla extract
1.Preheat oven to gas mark 3/170 degrees c.
2. Put flour, baking powder, bicarb, and salt into a medium bowl and combine well.
3.In another bowl mix the butter and sugar until blended. Beat in eggs one at a time and then the mashed banana. Stir in the sultanas and vanilla extract.
4. Add the flour mixture a bit at a time, stirring well.
5.Scrape into a loaf tin and bake for an hour to an hour and 15 mins. (Mine was quite well cooked after 30 mins so I then covered it with foil for the rest of the time to stop the top burning)
375g melted unsalted butter
375g best quality dark chocolate
6 large eggs
1 tbsp vanilla extract
500g caster sugar
225g plain flour
1 tsp salt
1. Preheat oven to gas 4/180 degrees
2. Line a brownie pan (approx 33 x 23 x 5.5cm tin)
3. Melt the butter and chocolate in a large pan.
4. In a bowl beat the eggs, sugar and vanilla extract. Measure the flour into another bowl and add the salt.
5. Let the chocolate mixture cool for a bit once it's melted then beat in the sugar and eggs mixture and then the flour and nuts. Beat to combine smoothly and then scrape into the lined pan.
6. Bake for about 25mins. When it's ready the top should be dried to a paler brown speckle but the middle should still be dense and gooey.
Enjoy! :)